Who is God, REALLY???

Deborah Grace 🌈
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readAug 10, 2024


Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Since early adolescence, I had this deap desire to know God, truly know what God is and didn’t realise it then but I was hell bent on a journey of finding the truth for myself.

I was in grade 11 when I posed the question to my teacher, “In Christianity, God says I have a son, in Islam, God says that I have no son, so if we are worshiping the same God and there is only one God, does that make God a liar?

It was these enquiries about the nature of God that would spark a desire to see, hear and feel God for myself.

At the age of 24 after being raised strictly in a Christian household, I came to the conclusion that I’m not really sure that there is a God and unknowingly in this moment, with strong intention I officially launced my rocket of desire to find and see God for myself.

A year later, while living through the worst day of my life. God came to me in my hospital bed, while I was reeling from the loss of my child. He sang to me, comforted me and he was ever persent.

By going through this trauma and hardship, I was able to know that God existed, He , It or They ARE real!

The hardships would not end there, after all most of us humans have difficult karmic cycles to complete, and mine would nearly take my life and leave my three beautiful todlers motherless.



Deborah Grace 🌈
New Earth Consciousness

I'm psychic, a creator, a poet, an artist and a writer. My work includes insights gained by my spiritual awakening, my karmic destiny and life experience.