Why Forgive Others…

A Spiritual Poem & Simple Exercise for Forgiveness

Kashish Gambhir
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readJun 28, 2021


Note to the reader: Read these lines while being completely in the present moment…

Forgive others because…


Forgive others

Because you yourself are not perfect

If somebody did something to you

It was their action

What you do NOW — will define your actions and eventually lay the foundation for your life

For each man is the creator of his own life

and what you do with yours, is entirely your decision.

If you take a decision by forgiving the other, you raise your frequency

After all — it is only God that HAS the power to forgive and that CAN really forgive

What power does a man really have to forgive the other? for he himself has committed so many mistakes…

So raise your frequency a bit higher…

In tune with the frequency of God

Get God-Like qualities in yourself





Now read the poem below (with a bit of change);

loud in your head, being mindful of each and every word that you read



Forgive others

Because I myself am not perfect

If somebody did something to me

It was their action

What I do NOW — will define my actions and eventually lay the foundation for my life

For each man is the creator of his own life

and what I do with mine, is entirely my decision.

If I take a decision by forgiving the other, I raise my own frequency

After all — it is only God that HAS the power to forgive and that CAN really forgive

What power does a man really have to forgive the other? for he himself has committed so many mistakes…

So let me raise my frequency a bit higher…

In tune with the frequency of God

and get God-Like qualities in me

Yes I forgive

Yes I forgive

Yes, I forgive.


Now with your hands on your heart, repeat the following lines-

‘With all my heart I ponder over getting God-like qualities in myself and I am determined to forgive the one who hurt me for I myself am not perfect.

As all human beings are working and moving towards perfection. If we were already perfect, we would have been God already.

I close my eyes now… and in the silence of God, I forgive the other and I forgive myself for not tuning into the frequency of God before’.

Close your eyes and sit in silence for 5 mins at least while you just listen to the sounds of nature around you.

Thank you for doing this forgiveness exercise with me.
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