Why Heaven and Hell are Not Real

Where will I go when I die?

Illuminated By Intuition
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger

Where will I go when I die?

This is a common question on a lot of people’s minds and maybe even yours

Well, this question has been explored for years as we are curious to know what happens after life, and what happens in the afterlife.

I was born into a Christian family which means I was programmed to believe in a God that is all good and lives up in Heaven then a Devil that is all bad and lives down in Hell.

We were taught that if you do the things commanded by the “bible” (yes I said the bible not God) then you will go to an afterlife where the streets are paved with gold, where there is no hunger, disease or suffering.


If you weren’t a good boy or girl (they didn’t teach us God loves people that don’t identify as any, too sad right?) then you were going to the lake of fire and your soul will burn eternally

How can a soul even burn, concepts I’ll never understand!

Well, before I tell you where I think I’ll go when I die, let’s see it first from the spirotofic (spiritual scientific) angle.

So, here’s how I think about it, and it may be dumb to you but here me out for a minute

If I didn’t come from anywhere then I will go nowhere when I die, I will just cease to exist, but I know I was a sperm so when I die I’ll probably go back to being one

This is why I believe in reincarnation and also believe heaven and hell are not places.

Does this mean I’m a sperm?

Scientifically that is the beginning of my existence, but what controls the sperm? The spirit of life, the soul, God!

Heaven and Hell are states of mind that can only be manifested here on earth, man manifests war, hunger, disease for themselves because society teaches man to see evil.

Normally man doesn’t know Good or Evil, man just “is” (I Am) like God, but when a child is born and starts to learn duality (seeing two powers) It learns:

Love and hate

Good and evil

Friend and foe

Rich and Poor

It begins to manifest what it knows; therefore it will know happiness, sadness, pleasure, pain, and everything that comes with being human.

Adam and Eve as story characters “were” until they started to see opposites — until they knew they were naked.

I will give you the land which though seest

The mind of man creates both heaven and hell, have you been programmed to see evil and live in fear? Then welcome to hell

The soul knows only one thing which is truth, and oneness with God.

So I may be wrong but uhmm there’s no heaven or hell for you when you die, but you can create them here

Did I say you can?

No, you’re already creating them.

There are no opposites in the unmanifested, but we are God and can manifest anything based on the state of mind we are in.

So, are you operating from a heaven or hell state of mind?

Peace and love my friends!

Thank you for reading, please if you found this piece inspiring or valuable and want to support me as I tell my story, then please feel free to do so here, greatly appreciate your love and support!



Illuminated By Intuition
New Earth Consciousness

Walking the path to transcend limiting beliefs, manifest prosperity, and sharing content as I go ✨