
Why Incarnate on Earth?

If you think you are crazy for coming. This may change your mind.

DL Nemeril
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readJul 12, 2023


antique print of slice of ocean above and below sea level
It’s a wacky world isn’t it. Image Walter Ivan Yaggy WIkicommons public domain

I’ve spent so many years studying, asking questions. Yet two questions persist, no matter how much I understand.

Before we arrive on earth, we are in a realm of harmony and grace and wholeness and light. Then we come to earth into duality and all its oftentimes horrors as well as beauty. Only to spend all our time here attempting to awaken to our soul self and let go of duality.

What is the point of this circle? Why give time to the Earth at all? I have been told it is the densest of planets, and the most difficult to navigate successfully. Thus, multiple incarnations are generally needed. Why not let go of this phase of cosmic school altogether?

This question came on the heels an article about channeling, so I thought I’d use that source to answer. Here’s what came in…

One comes here to this planet for many reasons. A primary reason is to join in an experiment with light and form. Experiencing the diversity and the wonder, and the beauty of form is very rich.

When one is formless, so many things are unavailable to one’s experience. To touch, to smell, to taste, as examples. Seeing and hearing both exist in a different way…



DL Nemeril
New Earth Consciousness

Depending on the day, optimist, grump, counselor, artist. Explorer of inner worlds, sacred site junkie. Helping others on their path while discovering my own