Why we should not resist evil

The more we admit and accept the evil within us, the more honourable and dignified we become

New Earth Consciousness
3 min readJan 5, 2024


Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

What is evil?

The fundamental movement of Life consciousness and energy evolves naturally towards ever greater goodness, beauty and truth.

The more highly developed a being is, the more its consciousness and energy will be aligned with this natural, pure, high-vibration, luminous movement of Life.

In a unified state, thoughts are pure and true; emotions are loving and happy; intentions are positive and constructive.

In this unified state, evil does not exist.

However, as humble humans progressing on the path to awakening, our consciousness is separate from this unified state.

Certain parts of our being might already be partially liberated internally, while other parts are still in a state of selfishness, fear and pride.

Our task as human beings is to patiently and persistently purify our thoughts and attitudes, enabling our consciousness to find its way back to the natural movement of high-vibrational-frequency energy.

When our consciousness is distorted, going against the natural movement of Life, we can speak of a manifestation of evil.

How does evil manifest itself?

The manifestations of evil in their most obvious forms are manifestations of the triad of the lower self: selfishness, fear and pride.

However, the manifestation of evil in its more subtle form is resistance.

When we resist something negative or bad that happens to us, we resist the truth that suffering is part of Life.

Since embodied life is a non-unified, separate state, it comes with suffering. Resistance to this suffering is resistance to the natural movement of Life.

When we resist something negative in ourselves, we resist the truth that evil is part of us.

If we resist our selfishness, fear, hatred, pride, we are rejecting a part of our being, and therefore resisting the natural movement of Life.

This rejection of the truth of who we are and of Life is the source of evil.

This is what Christ illustrated when he said “Do not resist evil”.

Resisting Life is tantamount to questioning the goodness, beauty and truth of our deepest Nature.

It is an act of fear, of mistrust of ourselves and the truth of our inner unity.

The more resistance there is, the more fear there is.

The process of confronting and overcoming evil

Our task as human beings is to purify our souls and overcome evil, life after life, over thousands of lives.

We can do this with our conscious determination and a sincere commitment to the truth.

To do this, we should:

- Accept that evil is an integral part of our being, and give up any pretence that evil does not exist within us.

- Become aware of the evil and negative intentions within us. Encounter the childish, lying, fearful, proud parts of us that makes us cling to life with anger, resentment and negative intentions, while refusing to give anything.

- Confront and transform our destructive tendencies into positive intentions.

Only when we have confronted and overcome the evil within ourselves do we have the capacity to confront the evil outside.

Paradoxically, the more we admit and accept the evil within us, the more honourable and dignified we become.

The more we accept our hatred, the less we hate.

The more we accept our ugliness, the more beautiful we become.

The more we accept our weakness, the stronger we become.

The more we accept our suffering, the more dignified we become.

Does this sounds like a stimulating life-plan ? ;-)

Please let me know if you’re interested to read more about Eva Pierrakos’ (spiritual Medium from 1950s) conferences



New Earth Consciousness

I write about discovering the extraordinary power of waking up in ordinary life. Heartful living, love, spirituality, sexuality, (open) relationships.