Why You Should Stop Trying to Be Happy

All The Time

Illuminated By Intuition
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readOct 6, 2023


Image by Prawny from Pixabay

As I write this

Today is going great, but it wasn’t so “great” earlier

I started my day with gratitude for health, but I had a slight pain in my stomach and I felt suffocated at home.

I really didn’t like how I was feeling emotionally and physically, and the worst part is I had my day planned and was supposed to stay home and work on a personal project

But guess what?

This feeling of being suffocated at home kept on, so I left home looking for somewhere else to be and stayed out for the majority of the afternoon.

In all of this I felt really really really dissatisfied, and I kept trying to cheer myself up until I realized something

Emotions are like seasons, they come and go, plus the more you hate them the longer they seem to stay

So I stopped trying to feel happy and energized and just accepted I wasn’t feeling very good and…

It’s okay not to feel so good

With this in mind I stopped looking for an activity to feel better, so I could get back to work, instead with full acceptance of my feelings

I hugged my bed and slept off the moment I got home.

Well, when I woke up I wasn’t still feeling better, but I decided to go make dinner and as I was making dinner I started to feel “normal” and from then on things started to get better

So why am I telling you all of this?

Well, besides just being here to tell my story and share things that help me on a day-to-day basis I want this to help you remember that it’s completely okay to feel down.

You don’t always have to be happy and sometimes down is the way you get up (I don’t know if this makes sense, haha)

Beloved, honour and accept your emotions, and I mean all of them

Yes, all of them without judgment because total acceptance helps you express the wholeness of your soul, you’re not a happy or sad soul, you’re a soul (whole) and life is whole as well

A whole soul having a whole experience, to reject the whole experience is to shun parts of yourself that need expression.

When you’re tempted to not accept some of your emotions ask yourself this

Will I put off a candle because the light makes shadows appear?

Peace and love my friend



Illuminated By Intuition
New Earth Consciousness

Walking the path to transcend limiting beliefs, manifest prosperity, and sharing content as I go ✨