Your Essential Guide to DECEMBER
Let’s take a peek…
This reading is a combination of my psychic reading as well as some insights from the good old Tarot. This reading is based on the collective energies.
These are topics and insights that may affect you there will more than likely there will be at least one element to it that you will notice throughout the month. There will be some advice, a heads up, and some tips with our best interests in mind for this month.
Let’s get into this friends.
Two of Spears (reversed), Judgement (upright), King of Swords (upright), 7 of Coins (upright)
The Underlying energy for this month is…
7 of Spears (upright)
With the Two of Spears in reversed, we may need to take some time this month to set up some long-term goals. It looks like short-term goals and ideas are not the supporting energies for this month. I feel that many of us have been playing the short-term game and it’s just not getting us to where we want to be. It’s creating a cycle of chaos.