Unko Sensei: A Poop Headmaster Has Won Japanese Children’s Heart

Let’s talk about the power of the poop in education

Yuri Minamide
New East
Published in
6 min readJul 4, 2024


A part of a book cover of Unko Drill

Many children are fascinated by poop, and just mentioning it can give them a burst of laughter. Sigmund Freud linked the reason for this to the anal stage, the next one after the oral stage, but we shall omit a discussion of that in this article.

On the other hand, not many children are keen on learning. Even if they are, they need to know how to learn effectively.

So, someone came up with an idea: What if a poop became a teacher and taught children how to study?

It may sound silly, but it has been realised in Japan with great success. Today, everyone in Japan knows about Unko Sensei (‘Unko’ means poop, ‘sensei’ a teacher in Japanese), who teaches Japanese, arithmetic and other essential skills to schoolchildren. A professor at the University of Tokyo proved its effectiveness in retaining memories.

If you still like poop, you will enjoy this article. I can’t blame you if you do not, but this story will tell you about the benefits of being flexible and breaking taboos.

At first, it was a completely different idea



Yuri Minamide
New East

London-based, Kimono-clad Japanese Writer & Translator | Medium Boost Nominator on Asia/Art/Culture | Owner of the Asia-centric pub 'New East' | Cat person