12 Ventures to watch in 2018

This week at NEF, we’re gearing up to our annual flagship event — Demo Day 2018. This annual event is a unique opportunity for businesses created by Alumni of the NEF programme to showcase what they have been building and to share their stories with our amazing community of supporters.

As our programme has grown, so have the number, range, breadth, and quality of the ventures launched by our Alumni. We are so excited to showcase 50 (of the nearly 100 new ventures launched by NEFers) businesses at the Demo Day exhibition this year, alongside which twelve founders will be pitching their ventures.

We have no doubt that these ventures will achieve amazing milestones this year, so without further ado, here’s our list of startup ventures to watch in 2018.:

JoeyWears: A new approach to underwear. JoeyWears is fast-growing online retail brand that aims to be the online destination for the perfect pair of men’s underwear. Check out their marketing campaign, it’s a hoot!

Kobble: Furniture tailored to you. Kobble creates made-to-measure furniture that is tailored to fit your space perfectly. Odd corners and small spaces? No problem, Kobble has a solution for you.

PoaPoa: Natural skincare straight from the source. PoaPoa is a social enterprise working with entrepreneurs in developing countries to bring you natural skincare products. Good for your skin, good for the communities they work with, and good for your pocket.

ManíLife: Peanut butter done better. ManiLife makes award winning craft peanut butter, made in the UK. You will never buy another brand of peanut butter after you have tasted Manilife, we promise.

Inkpact: Beautifully handwritten notes at scale. Inkpact have made it their mission to deliver communication that gets results for every brand. When was the last time you sent or received a personal hand-written note? Inkpact deliver results — don’t take our word for it, check them out.

Yndica: a holistic marketing approach. Yndica is the new distribution channel for young & exciting consumer brands. Have you seen them in shopping centres around London? No? Come and meet them.

Billion Dollar Boy: a next generation influencer media business. Billion Dollar Boy is transforming the impact social media Influencers are making on global consumer brands. The original social media influencing agency going from strength-to-strength.

Burrow: industry leading technology simplifying the mortgage process. Burrow is re-engineering the mortgage process from the ground up, making it simple & delightfully digital. Award winning and growing at the rate of knots, we love this and will use it for our next mortgage quotes

Unmind: Mental wellbeing, done well. Unmind is is a B2B mental health platform that delivers clinically-backed tools and training for healthier, happier, more human organisations. Not just a promise but essential for every organisation, no matter their size and location.

Docandu: Your healthcare, in your pocket. Docandu offers an innovative approach to consuming health services using an all-in-one app. Take control of your healthcare, anywhere, anytime.

Tethir: developing high speed internet for use on trains. In the near future, telecommunications operators will be able improve the WiFi on trains with Tethir. Our boss doesn’t like the sound of this as it will disturb her only 20 minutes of ‘silence’ each day, but other commuters has been screaming out for this, so we’re pleased to see a NEFer tackling this need.

RideTo: book trusted motorcycle training schools. RideTo is making it safer and easier to experience the joy of riding a motorcycle. Definitely one for you (motorbike) petrolheads out there. Why hasn’t this been done before, we ask ourselves?

All of these ventures will be pitching at Demo Day, alongside many more who will be exhibiting. We have a very limited number of tickets available, to request yours please email enquiries@newentrepreneursfoundation.com.



NEF Fast Track
NEF Fast Track — Centre for Entrepreneurs

Offering a unique 12-month development programme for aspiring entrepreneurs through training, mentoring, coaching and paid work experience in start-ups.