50 ventures, 12 pitches and mounting excitement: 5 things we’re looking forward to at our Demo Day

There’s a noticeable buzz in NEF’s new office this morning as we’re just a couple of days away from our annual flagship event — Demo Day 2018.

Demo Day is a unique opportunity for our community to come together. Seeing so many of our NEFers exhibit, pitch and share stories with our community of supporters, old and new — it is a truly memorable occasion.

Here at NEF HQ, we are really looking forward to the event. With so much going on, we took a moment to write down the top 5 things we’re the most excited about:

  1. 150 NEFers & nearly 50 ventures showcasing their businesses — This year, we’re bringing together nearly 50 NEF ventures in the same room, with a further 150 NEFers attending. This has never happened before! We can’t wait to see this many NEFers all in the same space. In all, we have nearly 100 new businesses but we couldn’t accommodate all of them and had the tough task of being very selective.
The sector breakdown of the ventures exhibiting at Demo Day

2. Our community coming together — We’re also looking forward to seeing so many of our supporters coming together. Donors and supporters, coaches, mentors, host companies alike will be joining us. The achievements of NEF are a testament to its growing community, and we can’t wait to celebrate that.

3. The beautiful venue — We’ll unveil the venue itself on the big day, but it is an absolutely beautiful space. A true London gem with a real sense of history, commerce, atmosphere — the perfect setting for Demo day 2018.

4. Our speakers & supporters — Alongside the 5-minute, quick fire pitches our Founders will be doing, we’re also looking forward to our guest speakers. We’re excited that we have the Deputy Mayor of London for Business, Rajesh Agrawal and Catherine McGuinness, Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee (effectively the CEO!) of the City of London coming along to lend their support.

5. The buzz! — Last but not least, we cannot wait to see, hear and feel the buzz created by the event. 50 ventures, countless supporters, pitches, presentations and connections — the energy is going to amazing and we cannot wait to soak it all in. Oh, not to forget the drinks and canapes — it should make for an amazing event.

Just a few more days to go — to follow the action, keep an eye on our Twitter & #NEFDemoDay.



NEF Fast Track
NEF Fast Track — Centre for Entrepreneurs

Offering a unique 12-month development programme for aspiring entrepreneurs through training, mentoring, coaching and paid work experience in start-ups.