Is Digital Clutter Ruining your Productivity?

If your inbox is feeling out of control, this one’s for you.

Elle H. Hall
A New Era


Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

All day, every day our phones are pinging with notifications.

Email inboxes are filling up.

It can feel uncontrollable. But, we need these apps and inboxes for our personal and professional lives.

So, you live with the chaos. You don’t know where the bottom of your inbox is, but you’re pretty sure you found all of the important emails. Well, 80% sure.

Maybe 70%…

This is “digital clutter”. I have experienced this, and dealing with it, myself.

In April 2020, the world was going through a lot, and I was too. I was working four jobs from home… plus graduate school… plus freelancing… plus thesis research. I had four email inboxes but everything was spread out amongst them. I was regularly searching through emails to find what I needed and wasting time that I needed for my projects and the glimmer of a social life I was trying to have.

My digital footprint was really digital clutter.

What is digital clutter?

Digital clutter is when you are no longer in control of your digital footprint. This can look like a lot of different…



Elle H. Hall
A New Era

Dreaming about pastels and regency romances but write mostly about my life, social media, communications strategy, and music.