New Era Publication: Read and Reciprocate Community

👁️‍🗨️ Connect with other writers and boost your earnings — join the brand new Read 4 Read Community at New Era…

Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
A New Era
4 min readMay 14, 2022


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Connect and engage within the New Era community by joining our brand new read and reciprocate community, which will help boost your reads, engagement and connect you with other amazing writers.

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.”- John Donne

I don’t know about you, but I love this quote as it reminds me we are all part of something bigger. Therefore If we want to grow as a writer we first need to understand we are not alone.

I’m an ambassador for supporting, reading and engaging with the works of other writers. Whenever we get a new writer join us at New Era I’ll be checking out their profile and reading their first few stories — hence why pinning your best is so important!

AND If I like what YOU are writing I will…

  • Read more than one of your stories.
  • Leave a comment or highlight.
  • Clap for you.
  • Potentially follow.
  • Maybe even share your work on social media!

I was disappointed to read (from more than one top writer) recently how they don’t bother to read or engage with others on this platform anymore. It was written almost as if they were proud. To them business is business and they have become one big selfish content machine.

If everybody behaved the same way then I guess it really would be the death of such a wonderful platform. The way I see things this is a great social networking space for writers to learn and connect.

Connect and Learn With Other Writers to Boost Your Earnings

At New Era, we are a community of writers AND more importantly readers too. We’re all here to share our stories and engage with others.

And… if we earn a little extra money along the way that is just a welcome bonus.

The Read and Reciprocate Community is a supportive network of readers and writers helping each other to grow.

How Does the Read and Reciprocate Community work?

If you decide to join the community you will be added to our list of members. We will share one of your best or latest stories in our weekly Members post and in our new monthly community newsletter. Your New Era published stories will also feature in the newsletter and social media sites.

You will be tagged into any posts where you feature. It’s vital you…

  • Check out the New Era Community Member’s List.
  • Read the monthly newsletter and weekly New Era community posts.
  • Connect and engage with other writers on the list(s).
  • Share the work of other writers you value on social media — not just your own stories.

Easy peasy. Right?

For this to work you MUST make the effort to read and engage with as many writers as you can in the New Era Read and Reciprocate Community.

How To Become a Community Member

  1. You must be a paid Medium member to join us and a follower of New Era Publication.
  2. Consider subscribing to our newsletter. Not mandatory, but I do feature the best New Era stories and showcase new published members — how will you know if I feature yours?
  3. Comment on this post to say you would like to be part of the New Era Community. Don’t forget to add your @user name!
  4. Make sure you READ and engage with the stories in the monthly and weekly posts.
Important Note: Only join us if you are a writer that’s also an avid reader. who plans to engage and support the work of others.

What to Expect

  • Your best or latest story (whatever you choose) will be saved to the member’s list.
  • You will be tagged in at least 4 to 5 posts per month (i.e. New Era Community updates post and monthly newsletter).
  • Discover and connect with some awesome new writers.
  • If you do not reciprocate with the community or do not follow the Medium Terms and Conditions your membership may be terminated.

I look forward to connecting with you, reading and engaging with your stories…


# How many followers do I need to join?

New writers with under 100 followers welcome, we will help you to grow your following if we like what you are writing.

#I’m not a Medium member, but would like to join!

You can sign up using my referral link which will give you full access to the platform and enable you to see the works of thousands of amazing writers. You will also be supporting New Era Publication in the process.

#I would like to write for the New Era Publication

We would love to have you write for us. For more information please check out our guidelines.

#How will my stories be promoted?

You will be added to the member list and weekly welcome post. You will also be featured in the monthly newsletter. Shout-outs will be given on our social media sites.

#Do you guarantee views, engagement and increase in earnings?

You will get out what you put in to the community. The more you engage with the community the more impact it will have.



Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
A New Era

🧠 Sharing my journey #100daysof... challenges 💪 Fitness & Health 📖Reading for Growth | ✍ Writing for Self-Expression 🦣