Choose your own adventure

The House at the End of the Street

A choose your own flash fictional tale…

Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
A New Era
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2021


Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash

Inspired by the ‘choose your own adventure stories’ of my childhood days I thought I would do a little experiment and dive into a flash fictional tale where you get to choose the outcome, let’s give it ago and let me know what ending you get?

This story works best when used outside of the mobile app due the links within. The links many not work on all mobile devices. 

A Warning…

This is slightly different from the normal flash-fiction posts. YOU get a choice on what happens and these choices may have consequences, but if you don’t like the choice you can always step back and choose again. Please click the links to take you to the section of your choice. The section will appear at the top of the screen.

The Phone Call

It’s 1 AM, the phone rings and it’s your pal, Jess. She has a video channel where she posts about visits to supposedly haunted and abandoned buildings late at night. Although this does not seem to be a social call. She’s screaming for help! What do you do?

Hang up OR Take the call

Take The Call



Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)
A New Era

🧠 Sharing my journey #100daysof... challenges 💪 Fitness & Health 📖Reading for Growth | ✍ Writing for Self-Expression 🦣