Well-being as a benchmark for a human society

Ivo Valkenburg
New Financial Magazine
11 min readMar 9, 2020


Interview with Dr. Daniel Cordaro, CEO & Co-founder of The Contentment Foundation

Dr. Daniel Cordaro

Dr. Daniel Cordaro (1985) is one of the top scientific researchers in the fields of emotion psychology and human wellbeing. He led some of the world’s most extensive research into facial and vocal expressions of emotions while earning his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley, and later he became a faculty member at Yale University. “One of the most important things that I’ve learned is that the pursuit of happiness is an illusion. More money, more power, more success, more recognition, only give us a temporary boost of happiness; it is short lived at best. True, indestructible wellbeing requires a radical shift in perspective”, says Cordaro who, as founder and CEO of The Contentment Foundation, helps schools, families, companies, and entire nations cultivate sustainable…

