WiFigardenConnect Technology Ensures a Secure and Prosperous IoT Ecosystem

Demi I-Hsuan Lee
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2018

The whole Internet of Things ecosystem is facing a severe challenge of its booming market — cybersecurity. The IoT network could be vulnerable since the IoT devices are incredibly easy to be used by hackers to throw a DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack. For enhancing the security of IoT system, many manufacturers have no choice but to apply security features on individual IoT devices, although this action might sacrifice the convenience for users. In this way, setting all the IoT devices could become a burden for users, which might frustrate people and lead to the downfall of the IoT ecosystem. New Garden introduces WifigardenConnect technology for help.

The WiFigardenConnect can integrate the IoT ecosystem smartly and securely. As the Gartner Research expects to see 20 billion internet-connected Things by 2020¹, United States, Japan, and the European Union all comport with the concept that every part of the IoT industry is responsible for cybersecurity. For example, California senators recently sign the Bill №327 “Information privacy: connected devices,”² beginning on January 2020, which would require manufacturers of connected devices to equip their devices with a certain security feature. To catch up with all the regulation and the trend of the IoT market, New Garden team and their hardware partners, Ampak and LiteON, serve the module empowered by the WiFigarden IoT SDK with WiFigardenConnect function, which enhances the cybersecurity while facilitating the process of setting IoT devices.

The WiFigarden IoT SDK offers an SSO (Single Sign-On) access to the IoT users. The only thing that users need to do is to trigger smart connect; their WiFi nodes will automatically connect and sync all their internet-connected Things together with a unique encryption system. Users can change their WiFi name or password without suffering the whole setting process of IoT devices all over again. The WifigardenConnect technology is used on the WiFigarden SDK previously, which helps ISPs and MSOs build up a smart and managed WiFi Mesh system for their subscribers³. So far, the WiFigarden IoT SDK has integrated with multiple chipset vendors — Realtek, QCA, Broadcom, Cypress etc. — and preparing to cooperate with ESPRESSIF.

New Garden Team believes that the development of technology should not have to become a convoluted process, IoT devices should build up a helpful assistant in people’s house, not become part of users’ problem.

Watch the video to learn more about the WiFigardenConnect experience!

Visit www.newgarden.tw for further details about SmartConnect.


  1. Hung, Mark. Leading the IoT: Gartner Insights on How to Lead in a Connected World. 2017. https://www.gartner.com/imagesrv/books/iot/iotEbook_digital.pdf
  2. California Legislative Information. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB327
  3. “An SDK Dedicated to MSOs/ISPs: A Panacea for WiFi Mesh Solution from Taiwan.” Light Reading, Sept.18 2018. https://www.lightreading.com/services/smart-home/an-sdk-dedicated-to-msos-isps-a-panacea-for-wifi-mesh-solution-from-taiwan/d/d-id/746185



Demi I-Hsuan Lee
Editor for

Major in English Literature; Huge Potterhead; Marketer /Advertising and PR consultant