Clinton Volunteer Bonds With Voters

Hannah Lachow
New Hamp_2016
Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2016

Katie Bernstein, Hillary Clinton volunteer

Katie, happy to have finally found a door to knock on!

on phone banking: “I always went off script. Every time I asked someone if they were able to attend a Clinton event and they said no they then would tell me what was wrong with them. I actually bonded with a woman that was on her 7th month of being concussed. We shared our own personal concussion stories! I wished a different person a safe surgery, I thanked another for making a plan for her daughter to drive her to the voting booth because she has a bad knee. It was cool because I could be personal with these people even though they were probably quite sick of getting so many calls. Ultimately, I was just trying to show how much it was appreciated that they still all made plans to get out and vote, despite their various obstacles.”

