How Can Bush Win Over Republican Voters?

Katherine Heaney
New Hamp_2016
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2016
Is Jeb confused?

Once a frontrunner, GOP Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush’s popularity has plummeted. In a recent survey, he was the only GOP Candidate to receive a negative Gallup Poll rating of -1, with 45% of Republicans unfavorably rating him to 44% rating him favorably.

Conservative voters appear to respond to candidates with more personality and passion and less connection to Washington. The former Florida governor has deep establishment ties (after all, he would be the third consecutive Republican president to be named Bush). Voters with no understanding of Bush’s personal policy agenda assume he holds the same qualities they disliked in George HW and George W Bush. Jeb Bush appears comfortable answering questions, though his responses are criticized for lacking fire. After speaking at most events, he receives no more than a quiet applause out of courtesy.

Bush’s latest poll numbers in New Hampshire are currently hovering between 4–8%. Bush as well as his PAC have already spent countless hours and upwards of $23 million campaigning in New Hampshire, specifically on advertisements to enhance Bush’s image. With the February 9th New Hampshire Primary less than a month away, Bush must rethink his strategy in the early primary rounds. If not, the prospect of a third Bush in the White House will not be likely this election cycle.

