Rubio flying under the Radar

Talia Land
New Hamp_2016
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2016

Fact after fact projects that Senator Marco Rubio should be winning the Republican race for Presidential nominee. So what’s the problem? Why is he currently placed 3rd in the quickly approaching Iowa Cacus and 2nd in the upcoming first primary, New Hampshire?

According to the political magazine powerhouse The New Republic, it’s a matter of the Republican party image as a whole.

“To the extent that anyone in the Republican primary today holds a mirror up to the GOP base — old, cantankerous, nativist, and caucasian — it’s Donald Trump. Which is to say, it’s definitely not Marco Rubio.”

Rubio, some say, is the “political natural” of the race. Much like the JFK figure- sparingly handsome, well-spoken and charastimatic. According to polls however, the GOP party is ready for something more extreme, “in-your-face” and non-polished.

CNN says, and many agree, that Rubio’s place in the polls has everything to do with timing.

Photo courtesy of CNN

“His struggles are a reminder that in presidential politics, timing is as important as talent. In an election season that’s giving outsiders the advantage, voters aren’t very attracted to polished politicians.”

So, does Rubio still have a shot at all? It’s hard to say. Honestly, he may very well be what the GOP wants and needs, but it’s pretty hard for him to gain any momentum behind all the hooplah that is the barking Doland Trump and sharp Ted Cruz.

One thing is for sure, it is very hard to win your parties’ nomination without a win in the Iowa Cacus or New Hampshire primary. Those are just around the corner.

