There’s Still Love For The Big Man

Hear From Two Supporters Who Know Him Personally…

Spencer Solomon
New Hamp_2016
3 min readFeb 7, 2016


By Spencer Solomon and Lizzie Clarke

Governor Christie (Credit NBC News)

“Honesty, integrity, and loyalty” are three words that passionate Chris Christie supporter Janet Vincze states with confidence when asked about Christie’s appeal. Vincze, whose husband, Christopher, plays a major role in Governor Christie’s campaign, was able to clearly articulate what it is about Christie’s faҫade that makes her certain that he is the best candidate in this year’s pool of republican candidates. After trolling the frigid streets of New Hampshire and holding interviews with two supporters who know Christie personally, it was clear what about his amiable personality draws people to support him.

After a successful Christie rally, packed with more than 400 Christie supporters, Vincze had some convincing comments about who she believes Christie is as a person. Vincze, who has spent time with Christie and his family, made her feelings about Governor Chris Christie very clear. “His integrity is special. He gets up every morning and dots the ‘I’’s and crosses the ‘T’’s; he doesn’t have an assistant do it for him, he does it himself.” Vincze praised the New Jersey Governor for his ability to get out into the grit of the fight and do work himself, something she believed the other republican candidates have neither the ability nor experience to do. She points to Christie’s experience as governor of New Jersey to prove that he knows how to govern. He knows how to do the hard work it takes to run a government, Vincze added, “that is something I cannot say for a senator nor a celebrity.” Her criticism highlights the popularity of candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, first-term senators, and businessman Donald Trump, none of whom have the experience that Christie does. It is also clear that Vincze’s rich belief in Governor Christie stems from the overwhelming appeal of his personality.

“Honest, integrity, and loyalty.”

Chairman of Christie’s New Hampshire campaign, Wayne MacDonald, who knows Christie on a more personal level, noted Christie’s family support as a major drawing factor in his campaign in New Hampshire, including the fact that his father goes door-to-door as part of his campaign. MacDonald listed the family members of Christie who have made appearances in New Hampshire this past week which includes his children, step-mother, and wife. MacDonald stressed the importance of family to Christie and how the support from his family is helping his campaign.

“His integrity is special.”

Wayne MacDonald, New Hampshire Chairman (Picture from:

MacDonald also noted Christie’s strong campaign organization which is hard at work, knocking on doors and making phone calls in support of Christie. When asked why he believed Christie was best suited to be the President of the United States, MacDonald answered, “because he is a tough guy when he needs to be.” He continued by saying that Christie is not afraid to make effective, clear decisions quickly, setting a good example for others. MacDonald added that Governor Christie has been making calls and meeting personally with groups of people in New Hampshire, furthering his grassroots campaign style. Then, on a more personal level, he admired Christie’s sense of humor, expressing that for a guy that can be so tough and effective, Christie understands that humor and “showing people a lighter side” is important as well. MacDonald compared Christie’s sense of humor to a quality seen in Ronald Reagan, making him extremely approachable. Needless to say, MacDonald is infatuated with who the Governor is and what he stands for as a person and a leader.

Even though he trails in the polls, Christie’s appeal should gain him some momentum in New Hampshire. It remains to be seen how far that will carry him from the Granite State.

