New Haven Got Itself Some New Bike Lanes

New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike
3 min readSep 11, 2019

If y’all have been riding around town, you may have noticed a few new bike lanes around, as I have. Norton Street, for example, just two streets over from the already-striped section of Sherman Ave, just got lanes pre-painted on both sides. From what I can tell, they run from Whalley down to where Norton hits Chapel, though perhaps further.

Looking at the pre-stripes near Maple.

I have yet to explore north of Whalley, so perhaps there’s stripes there too, but…who knows.

In more exciting to me news, Sherman Avenue’s lanes have also been extended, though leaving a gap. Previously, Sherman’s lanes went all the way from the frontage road up to Whalley, and now they start up again at Munson almost up to, though just short of, Basset.

For my money, this offers a less hilly and perhaps better approach to the Farmington Canal Trail from the Westville/Edgewood part of town — take Sherman up to near Basset, cut east, and hop on the trail. No more hill up Ella T. Grasso, no more Fournier street, no more turning left on the oft-busy Crescent St.

I like the “buffered” lanes — here, they give a little extra room to avoid the door zone.

And finally, the stretch of Water Street from around State Street to where it connects with Sargent Blvd. has a nice big shoulder now, and construction workers one day said they’d heard that perhaps the bike path will extend this far sometime soon as well. It’s often a fast, busy road and a least-enjoyed section before getting over to the semi-separated bike lanes, so I’ll take a shoulder if nothing else.

Speaking of which, the bike path on this road sure could use a curb cut or two…

Of course, it’s just paint on the road, but hey, I’ll take it for now. All that said, paint on the road is completely worthless when drivers stare at their phones and careen into people.

Oh, and then there’s that issue of cars parking in bike lanes. Here’s just a few pics of cars parking in most bike lanes in New Haven. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cop do a thing about a single one of them.

(I can’t find the photo of the various Yale vehicles blocking the contraflow lane on High Street, but…it’s there daily for you to see.)

Seen any other new stripes out there?



New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike

Just a dude who likes to ride a bike and walk places. Human associate and charioteer of Mabel the dog. Hit me up at