“No one is suggesting…”

New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike
2 min readAug 31, 2018

Was reading through the New Haven Register’s story on New Haven’s “CarFree Challenge”, which is timidly described as an “annual month-long event to support movement towards healthier transportation options by individuals and organizations”, and came across this gem of a quote from New Haven Mayor Toni Harp:

No one is suggesting a literal interpretation for the month long challenges,” Mayor Toni N. Harp said. “It’s about raising awareness about reducing emissions and the city’s overall carbon footprint. Ride shares reduce carbon emissions by 50 percent just by the first passenger.”

Why is no one suggesting that we live without a car for a month? I mean, I’ll go ahead and suggest that. We can’t even buy into this enough to suggest that you literally go without driving a car for a month? Hell, it’s not February we’re talking about here — it’s September. The least we could literally do is to suggest the idea.

Anywho, it looks like there are some fun events coming up in the world of sustainable transportation and the like — as noted in the Register article, there’s the Transportation on Tap at BAR on September 11th and National Parking Day on September 21st, which is usually fun and often involves free coffee (in my experience in other locales, at least). Oh, and there’s this whole week of various neat free events all over Connecticut:

Oh, and while we’re here — a quick question for those of you in the know. Why does this “You Can Get There From Here” map show a “bike lane” running the length of Edgewood? Does it have to do with that whole bike-lane-that-is-supposed-to-be thing? I guess there’s like 22 days left to summer, so there’s time yet!

Lemme know. In the meantime, I’ll keep on studying up on how to get places by bicycle. And whoever did that handmade curb-cut to the Stop & Shop parking lot in Hamden off the Canal Trail? Bravo.



New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike

Just a dude who likes to ride a bike and walk places. Human associate and charioteer of Mabel the dog. Hit me up at newhavenonabike@gmail.com