Pics of Bicycle Co-Ops Around the U.S.

New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike
2 min readSep 6, 2018

In 2009, I went to my first community bicycle shop in Austin, Texas. I built a bicycle from a mish-mash of spare parts with my own two hands and promptly rode it to Mexico with a dozen others like me, assembled as a group called Bikes Across Borders.

My first experience with a bicycle co-op in the now defunct Rhizome Collective in Austin, Texas.

I was immediately hooked.

I rode with Bikes Across Borders twice more, before taking my addiction on over to the Austin Yellow Bike Project, where I became a volunteer coordinator. Then, in 2013, I rode down the West Coast of the U.S., visiting as many bicycle co-ops as I could along the way. And I’ve been visiting and taking pictures ever since.

I’ve been taking pictures along the way of cool bike-art ideas and organization systems and figured I’d share it here. So, for your perusing pleasures, I present to you here the results of those wanderings:

(Side note: if you click on the little “i” for info, each picture has a little caption with at least the location of where it was taken.)

It seems like a useful thing to have — for those of you out there starting bike co-ops or even full swing into operating one. And hey, if you have any good pics to add, feel free to send them my way!



New Haven On A Bike
New Haven On A Bike

Just a dude who likes to ride a bike and walk places. Human associate and charioteer of Mabel the dog. Hit me up at