A Windshield Covering for Motorcycles (Drag Racing Bikes)

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
New Ideas
Published in
1 min readNov 14, 2014

On my way to town, I have seen a man get drenched and wet riding his motorcycle in the wind and rain. The shirt on his back was straight in the air with wind blowing beneath it. It was like a parachute. It’s not good to get caught in the rain on a motorcycle. I think all motorcycles, mopeds, and drag racing bikes should have some kind of covering for the rainy weather. I suppose when the helmets were made for the motorcycle and bike riders, they thought that was the only protection they needed.

In the picture above, I made a design of a drag racing bike with a windshield to cover the head of a person. It could be controlled by a button on the bike to extend and cover the whole body. I named the bike Buzzer and gave it a design of a bumble bee.

It would be great if motorcycles could be made to protect a person from the wind and rain in the future. I have never seen a motorcycle that has been made with some kind of covering.

