Blu-ray and DVD Player

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
New Ideas
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2016

Yesterday, I went to Food Lion and picked up a blu-ray disc for $6.00. I thought it was a DVD. I was fooled because most of the time, Food Lion sells all DVDs. A lesson was learned. Always check the fine writing when you buy a DVD. Look for the little blu-ray symbol. Sometimes you can get so excited finding the movie you always wanted for a low price that you don’t see anything else.

Sometimes you can find DVD + blu-ray + digital HD all in one written on the DVD cover. It would be even better if we could choose a dvd player for both DVDs and Blu-Ray disc. When you open a blu-ray disc, it looks exactly like a DVD. I tried one in my DVD player and of course it did not recognize the disc. Why sell DVDs since blu-ray is made like a DVD anyway? A blu-ray is suppose to be better than a DVD, but everything else looks the same as far as shape and size.

ChristopherTAKClark .

