We Need to be Able to STOP Unwanted Emails! 😤

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
New Ideas
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2017

It seems like every minuet and second of the day that I am receiving an email from services I did not give my email address to. Sometimes the emails that I receive are not sent to me, but yet, I receive them. I suppose they are able to change the way my email address looks and still be able to send email to me. They tell you that you can unsubscribe, but it seems they never go away. I never subscribed to their mailing list, so how did they get my email address? And who wants to unsubscribe to a 100 emails a day? Who wants to check email with emails flooding their email account? Not I. I strongly believe that we should be able to stop those unwanted emails completely if we did not subscribe to receive them. If an email is not recognizable in our contact list, we should not be able to receive the email. If we did not sign up to a website, we should not be able to receive an email. Email services should be able to keep unwanted emails from coming in and not allow them to reach your account.

