Memoir Writing Challenge
Gimme My Vat-o-Coffee!
Just let me at my coffee and back away with alacrity
Here’s a writing challenge for you. Tell me, how do you take your coffee? Be sure to tag me in your own posts about your coffee routine(s), please.
We, Hamid and I, don’t indulge in many luxuries. As a matter of course, we gravitate to the store brands whenever possible. However, there are very few limited exceptions. One of those exceptions is our morning coffee.
Gimme my vat-o-coffee! After my daily 24 ounces, I’m definitely a morning person. Really. I’m quite chirpy after my morning vat-o-coffee. Before… well… You don’t want to be the cause of a morning kerfuffle — just let me at my coffee and back away with alacrity.
My preferred coffee is the German import, Dallmayr Prodomo. We buy the 1.1 pound (17.6 oz) vacuum sealed brick from Amazon. But, it’s available in beans for per-use grinding too.
Nothing roasts a coffee lover from the lumpish torpor of dysania than the aroma of brewing coffee. Its vapors envelop you like an incorporeal presence. Just catching a whiff cheers the morning wake-up.
Dallmayr Prodomo is a product of Allois Dallmyr, one of the largest delicatessens in Europe with traditions going back 300 years. Their coffee line is one of the best-known German brands. Dallmayr Prodomo is primarily highland arabica beans from Ethiopia, blended with highland arabica from Asia…