My Strange Sentiments

Joe Nash
Joe’s Web Design
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2021
A close-up shot showing balance between my statue collection taken by Joe Nash

These little statues are something of sentimental objects to me. Each statue has their own story of their importance to me.

A close-up shot of a bear statue taken by Joe Nash

This statue of a bear holding salt and pepper shakers might not seem of value, but I enjoy the memories behind it. I received this statue from my dad, which he bought for me on our annual reunion camping trip. This reminds me of the care I have for my relationship with me and my dad.

A close-up shot of an armadillo statue taken by Joe Nash

This is a present to my dad, an armadillo salt and pepper holder that I bought. Although this was a gift, I originally bought this statue from a little shop in Texas. This statue reminds me of my time spent in Texas, and how much I would love to go back.

A close-up shot of an old lady grinding down bones taken by Joe Nash

This statue was bought for me by my friend during his trip to Iceland. He asked me what kind of souvenir I wanted, and I told him to get me the weirdest thing he could find. This statue has value to me because I look fondly on my relationship with my friends. I’m always excited when they go on their own adventures.

