Evolution with Revolution — Autoethnography

I was born in a joint family so I was used to people around me of every age group but over the years the desire to do better in life has made people push their limits and they responded by migrating to bigger cities in search of bigger opportunities thus giving rise to nuclear families. Therefore people now has evolved to be more self dependent and minding their own business.Now social networking platforms has taken over the social context of well being. Facebook is driven into the fabric of our daily lives as if our life depends on it and rightly so (it has bridged the distance factor in social network ) .

It has brought the whole world at your fingertips , just a tap or click away.But as we know there is other side to the coin as well , people are using these platforms extensively which brings conflicts of opinions when they express themselves.Some people are not able to identify between what is factually correct and starts alleging other people over rumours ( did someone said mob lync****).

Talking about technology , the first computer which came to our home was back in 2000 which had a horizontal CPU and had Windows’98 OS.

Our first computer

Minesweeper , Free cell , there was a golf game (i don’t remember the name) were the first few games which I played in early 2000s in that computer. Since then a lot has changed in technology itself which has caused a massive evolution of every individual in terms of technology. Today instead of that desktop computer I am using a laptop with better processing and memory specs , digital enhancements etc. Now the mouse, keyboard , speakers etc. have all become wireless, all because of bluetooth. Mobile phones and better internet facilities have made life much more easier than it used to be till mid 2000s.The world has become a small place to live with incoming of smartphones at affordable prices and Jio internet revolution in 2015.


