“Major shift in the mode of human social interactions”

Media and technology are an everyday use of connection people use to communicate with one another. Some people are obsessed with technology being their communicator source to ‘keep in touch’ with their friends, and others simply do not mind or care about technology. Sherry Turkle’s Connectivity and Its Discontents, is about how people are interviewed with how exactly they use technology, and how a lot of people use technology almost every second of every day.

Personalization of intimate social networks with the closest, most meaningful ties, such as between close friends, family, relatives and even close colleagues, are characterized through classification based on high frequency of interaction, but also by an inherent need to feel connected, to be in touch.

The technology has power because it addresses psychological vulnerabilities that many of us have. We want connection, but many of us fear the consequences of connection. True intimacy can be very scary.

