Rotating Bridge for Year 3018

Thinking out of the box, imagining year of 3018 where there is no concept of personal cars (unless you are a super-rich person) but there are super developed public transport and efficient architectures for everyone.

The concept which can be seen in the video is done as an assignment for the module “creativity & innovation” at IIT Guwahati. As seen in the video the structure consists of mostly two parts a rotating ring and circular escalators.

A person can board the rotating escalators to have access to the rotating bridge.

As the bridge will rotate the person will reach the other end of the bridge and the person can off-board the bridge from the other rotating escalator.

This structure will speed up public transportation if implemented, on the good side, it will be environmentally better and sustainable.

This structure can be sustained by the energy derived from the river itself, hence it will be a sustainable structure.

But this idea has some limitations, such as it may block the water transportation partially or completely. Hence a proper research is required to implement the idea by considering its limitations.

