Simultaneity (Connectivity and its Discontent)

Humanity summoned technology for itself, in lure of assistance that this procreation can provide during desperate times. The advent of technology catalyzed the idea of connectivity among people in manner creating newer heuristics of interaction among individuals. Techno landscape provides us with or rather develops within us, an alternative fabric of reality into our inherent structures.

This constitutes impeding our sense of judgement of order and reality. Can we exist in both realm without being absent in the real other is pertinent to our quest for “meaningful” existence or discontinuity in flux of body, space and time.

“I simultaneously exist in two realities, sometimes in flow, sometimes in isolation. Transcending between duality, which are in part one but different aspect of my existence.”

Often are we disillusioned by our ‘presence’ of where our bodies are in situ. Landscapes of technology occur in simultaneity with our bodily reality. These connectivities provides us with choice of being in sync with our own manifestations which also puts us in a “bubble” of our own existence. In this, revisiting Solitude can provide us with a sense of this construction. Being with self is an essential recluse one can have with the body, while living with ‘hyper-reality’. Transcendentalist, like Emerson and Thoreau guide us on the kind of ‘solitude’ as required by us today. In turn how this idea of solitude can lead us into technology is something to be speculative about.

Simultaneity of meta-self. (@fancycrave1)

Though still, this new connection can neither be disparaged nor accepted as it, but can be restructured or remade to our best motives. Restructuring of mediums of technology leads to the change in the behavior of the medium as well and so our conception of being in it. It is noticeable in structure of technologies post-silicon valley that there have been a centralized structure which allows to be in-sync with a centralized server and we are continuously uploading our meta-self into a central structure.Devices are just medium to reach this centralization. This provides us with an outreaching of our conscious self. There is always a place to reach to in this existence of centralization. In centralization we have occurrence of ‘distancing’ wherein the two nearby dots also go through long distance of channeling. It is observable however the behavior of such construction also behave in similar manner, ‘Distancing’ us from our bodies in a definite space-time.

We can suggest alternative structures to the prevalence of the previous modem. One of which could be an distributed form of technological landscape wherein Peer-to-Peer distribution is networked. It will be interesting to see its implication, if any. Further the inclusion of reality into the technological landscape would create another type of renderings. It might be of help to see how does both simultaneity(Reality and Meta-Reality)feed into each other.

The journey for us into this pilgrimage of techno-landscape has begun in an indecisive manner but also in a very speculative means for us to inhabit these landscapes.

