Take More Pictures, Travel Back in Time!

Recently I was going through a book I saw in my friend’s hand. It had hundred chapters. The book was “who will cry when you die?” by Robin Sharma. I was going through the name of all the chapters as I was looking at this book for the first time, my eyes stopped on a chapter entitled “Take more Pictures”. In this very short chapter the author talks about why should we take more pictures. He says whenever any of his friends tells him about a great vacation trip or anything exciting, he asks them whether they have pictures of it and if they don’t the story gets less exciting for him. He talks about his childhood when his father used to take so many pictures of the family and he used to ask “ What are we going to do with them all?”. Well now he knows what to do with all those pictures, they form a part of the story of life’s passage and it gives him endless together hours of amusement with his family.

This was how the author feels about taking more pictures. I found it very relatable to me and it made me very happy because I really take a lot of pictures. I too believe that we should click more pictures and I’ll tell you why -

We all love listening to stories and many of us wants to tell a story in a way that amazes and excites people. Well if you think you aren’t a very good story teller let me tell you words aren’t the only medium to tell stories. If you find it tough to express through your words, you may want to try it telling through those clicks that your fingers make that camera sound. A picture speaks a thousand words and yes every picture has a story to tell. We all have many short chapters in our life story. A small chapter of it can be a nice evening you spent playing with your friends on a river bank. Well after an year when you try to recall that evening, you may just remember that you played there on the river bank but you may have forgotten the orange colour the sky wore that evening, the reflection it made on that mighty river, how your squad looked like, all those innocent faces and expressions and many more details. A picture won’t just help you recall the evening, it will make you feel that evening again and it will make you play again.

A picture doesn’t have all the recordings of an event but it has the best moments of it and it will make you remember the whole event itself. Too much of anything never makes it classy, it’s the minimal and best things. So yes a picture is the classical representation of one of the best memories you have.

When anything bad happens, they say “time will heal everything and it won’t matter after a while”. I think if a sad moment won’t matter after a while then neither a good one will because eventually you are going to forget both of them. But you don’t want the good ones to be gone, right? You want to feel it more and more, wait let me ask you a question, what will you do if you get a chance to travel back in time? I guess two things, first alter the decisions you regret, second, feel those good things again. Well I can’t help you with the first one but taking a nice picture of every good moment you are gonna have will make your second wish true and it will give you nothing but more and more joy.

So why don’t you just take out your camera and click few frames for your time travel!

