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Oxidane: A Novel in Gifs, 1.3

Nicole Matos
3 min readDec 3, 2013

So you entered, elbow-first, like a lever—but also like a wedge between Tacey and me.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Tacey said, about the sitting-down stunt. But behind the coolness, the irritation, I thought I sensed a genuine regret.

No further action: Tacey said we should Observe.

It was her Method: using all five senses to take you in. If we were going to take you in. The fateful question.

Seeing was easy. She noted your farsightedness: “See the way her eyes are exaggerated? Most glasses make eyes look smaller.”

But why were your glasses so cloudy, the lenses lemonade? I cleaned my own glasses in compulsive solidarity, huffing and rubbing, until Tacey made me stop.

Tasting you was, of course, the hardest. I had hoped to share in your saliva. But you refused the gift of a cigarette when we cornered you outside.

In the end, I tasted your hair. It wasn’t too hard to sit behind you in some interminable class, to lift a matted fold, the very end.

It tasted of dish soap.

And to this day, when I do the dishes, before I rinse, I lift a glass, a bowl, a saucer, to my lips, and I drink you back in.

For more installments, recommend :)

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Nicole Matos

Writer, professor, special needs mom + retired roller derby skater. Content non-strategist. Literary magpie. Follow me at