New Moon In Aries — 4/11/21

Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy
Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2021

Every New Moon is an opportunity for those who engage in personal reflection. All can benefit from the burst of energy and initiative that marks the start of the Moon’s 28-day cycle. No matter what spiritual background you come from, participating in this monthly exercise can help you connect to your soul’s purpose and plan steps to walk in it. Give yourself permission to connect authentically with yourself this month. Since we live in a Universe that is constantly moving, each month the New Moon is at a different place in our Cosmos allowing us a chance to plant different intentions throughout the year. A new cycle begins this time in Aries which is about noticing opportunities to reorganize and move in a new direction.

Be part of a collective event done by people all over the world! Write your list after 10:30 pm EST on Sunday, April 11th, 2021.




Courage, strength, positivity, fortune, wisdom, initiative, renewal, and progress.


Happy New Moon in Aries! This is a powerful moon phase of material and spiritual growth with opportunities to increase abundance in all forms; health, wealth, discipline, clarity on values, etc… Whatever it is you are seeking, more power and energy is at our disposal to grab it. Amazing right? Opportunity will be everywhere, we just need to be aware. What you choose to focus on expands, and this New Moon will help attract things to you like a magnet. So this is a time to take the lead and make decisive actions, set intention, create a vision board, and make progress on your goals. This includes healing wounds from the past. This un-seeable world of support is supporting us in truly magical and beautiful ways.

Otherwise, if we miss out, or choose to dismiss the invisible energy here to help us, then next month we will feel unsettled in our old structures and attachments because they no longer serve us in this time we are living in. The more you hold on to the old patterns in your life, the more irritated you will be. Pay attention to what annoys you now. This is a great place to start releasing and replacing with something else. Consider what attachments no longer serve you in a healthy way and consider cutting it out of your life completely. The Vedic Goddess Kali represents this as she slays egos with her mighty sword and wears them as decoration displaying defeat over them. Have courage to navigate this within your space and to face what this could mean for you. If you don’t, you may project your issues on others, perpetuating the energy to stick around, so it is worthwhile reflecting on this. Are you judging others, or looking to blame?

The Shakti Coloring Book by Ekabhumi Charles Ellik

This is also a great cycle to give up your victim mindset because of someone else’s actions, such as by your parents or others that may have mistreated you in the past. The more you hold on to the blame and hold others in debt, the less you are able to take on the new energy and vibration becoming available to everyone. Get rid of these attachments so that you have space to receive. Then watch how beautiful your life changes in response. This New Moon’s energy gives us courage to trust that.

On this New Moon, Venus and Pluto are both active, and may shake up issues in our relationships, especially if we are choosing to give our power away. This is a time to reclaim your power by knowing that it is always present within you. Stay true to who you are and stop putting it aside to please others. Thanks to these planets and the New Moon in Aries, we are supported to overcome personal limitations like negativity, anger, judgement, and depression as well as other barriers to our success, such as money, relationships, and fear.

We are living in a transitional time. Very few of us are comfortable with transition as it means leaving behind what is known to us (even if that known place is no longer what we want) and moving into an unknown environment (even though the unknown holds all of our current desires and intentions). With a change of perspective, this is actually quite exciting and we are being called to embrace this or suffer. The way we accomplish our inner work will determine how we come through this transition. Stay present and watch which way the wind is blowing, then adapt. We can easily fall victim to what triggers us, or we can just take notice and practice being neutral instead. It’s our choice if we want to suffer or not. Reclaim that power this cycle. Do not be deceived by illusion or fall into the mouth of fear. We are not powerless. Instead, activate the Fire of Knowledge, known as huehueteotl in Aztec tradition, to illuminate the dark times we are living in. Remember, everything once hidden, gets revealed in the light.

With love and illumination,

Kat Lahr



Gather paper and a pen, pencil, marker or other type of writing tool.

Review the focus areas for this month and begin to think about how they apply to your personal and professional life.

Write a list of what your hopes, dreams, goals, priorities, wishes, and prayers are for that moment. Typically no more than 10 is recommended. Be very specific, or extremely vague.

Review last month’s list and revise them on this month’s list, if necessary.

Place your notes somewhere safe and special to you. Some tape them to a window, under a lit candle, or leave them in their notebooks on their desks. Create the space that works for you. Leave it there all month until the next New Moon.

Allow and have faith in the power of inter-connectedness in our universe to manifest your list.

~ Know Who You Are & What You Want ~

Originally published at



Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy

Writer, Educator, Health Advocate, Spiritual Scientist & Avid Thinker About Life