New Moon In Cancer — 6/21/20

Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2020

Every month’s New Moon is a perfect time to set intentions, plant new seeds, and start afresh. Mother Nature has given us this tool to help us search for new and inventive ways to make progress in our lives. Everyone can benefit from a burst of energy and initiative that marks the start of the New Moon’s 28-day cycle. No matter what spiritual background you come from, participating in this monthly exercise can help you connect to your soul’s purpose and plan steps to get closer to it. Give yourself permission to connect authentically with yourself this month. Since we live in a Universe that is constantly moving, each month the New Moon is at a different place in our Cosmos allowing us a chance to plant different intentions throughout the year. A new cycle begins this time in Cancer which is about the purification of impurities.

Be part of a collective event done by people all over the world! Write your list after 2:41 am EST on Sunday, June 21st, 2020.




Adaptability, communication, ideas, planning, motivation, versatility, truth, listening, and imagination.


Happy Sol-clipse! We have a dynamic combination of the Summer Solstice and a Solar Eclipse New Moon occurring almost at the same time, within 9 hours of each other. The Sol-clipse sets the tone for the next 6 months which indicates major new beginnings and is as life-changing as the first six months of 2020 have been. This is the beginning of a very profound time and you are here to be a part of it. Astrologer Divine Harmony has noted that the maximum eclipse is at the exact same time, to the minute, as the New Moon, a rare instance she has never seen, so it makes sense that nothing makes sense. This rare alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth is providing a portal for the movement of a lot of energy. Humanity within society sits in between this energy exchange.

We have lived in a patriarchal society for a long time, very intense yang male energy. We as a society have been disconnected from the matriarchal, but a strong female yin energy has been rising and it will be coming full force in the time ahead of us. Psychiatrist Carl Jung coined the word enantiodromia, to define the phenomena seen when the superabundance of any force produces its opposite when equilibrium is trying to be achieved. First, we are going to see an overabundance of female matriarchal energy before balance is restored. This coincidence of opposites was articulated by Greek philosopher Heraclitus around 500 BCE describing the dynamic motion back and forth between duality seen in nature and physics. Jung states in Aspects of the Masculine:

“This characteristic phenomenon practically always occurs when an extreme, one-sided tendency dominates conscious life; in time an equally powerful counterposition is built up, which first inhibits the conscious performance and subsequently breaks through the conscious control.”

Basically anything in an extreme state will turn into its opposite extreme. This potent and dynamic Sol-clipse New Moon is screaming this energy. Heraclitus’ famous statement that no one steps in the same river twice is strong at play here. Although things are always constantly changing, core to our time-based life, things are going to be really changing for everyone. It already has and it’s not over. We are called to pay attention and be cautious and responsible. Those three things are hard to do on their own, so a lot is being asked of us. We need flexibility and open-mindedness as we adapt to changing conditions. Be a problem solver instead of a complainer, as things are shifting whether we like it or not.

Bhuvaneshvari • Ekabhumi Charles Ellik

In a Solar Eclipse, the Moon darkens the Sun as it moves between it and the Earth. This one is considered a partial eclipse so it leaves a ring of light around the eclipsed Sun, often known as a ring of fire. In hindu philosophy, fire symbolizes transformation, a burning down to ashes to make way for something new to arise. It is both the destroyer and creator of life. As all of humanity sits within the ring of fire at this New Moon, everything is transforming before our eyes. Everything. Transformational heat is generating within ourselves and society. Hindus use fire as a method to move into the next stage in the afterlife. What will our afterlife look like, post covid? There are a lot of scenarios our future can be after we emerge from the fires. Are we burning away ignorance? Hate? Fear? Greed? Anger? We have an opportunity to re-imagine our future. How do you see it?

As the Moon casts a shadow on our Earth during this eclipse, many of our dark shadows will come to Light. We must face what is in the dark shadows personally, and in society, in order for transformation to occur. Light always will reveal what impurities are blocking us from it. What is blocking you? What is blocking us all? The answers are being revealed. What is toxic is going to become front and center.

This New Moon is in the sign of Cancer, helping us learn lessons about the importance of family and home. Cancer is in the realm of the Mother, one who wants to birth a new world for us, but also calm our fears and nurture what is possible. Tap into this motherly, feminine energy at our disposal while we enter into a time of major change and transformation. We may get emotional and moody as we bring up old wounds and get rid of our old story. Have compassion on yourself and fellow humans. The Cancer New Moon is here to nourish us as we heal and do inner work, allowing us a sense of security in this dynamic time.



Gather paper and a pen, pencil, marker or other type of writing utensil.

Review the focus areas for this month and begin to think about how they apply to your personal and professional life.

Write a list of what your hopes, dreams, goals, priorities, wishes, and prayers are for that moment. Typically no more than 10 is recommended. Be very specific, or extremely vague.

Review last month’s list and revise them on this month’s list, if necessary.

Place your notes somewhere safe and special to you. Some tape them to a window, under a lit candle, or leave them in their notebooks on their desks. Create the space that works for you. Leave it there all month until the next New Moon.

Allow and have faith in the power of inter-connectedness in our universe to manifest your list.



Originally published at



Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy

Writer, Educator, Health Advocate, Spiritual Scientist & Avid Thinker About Life