New Moon In Capricorn — 1/13/21

Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2021

Every month’s New Moon is full of opportunities for those who take advantage of personal reflection. Fresh starts are always highlighted and everyone can benefit from a burst of energy and initiative that marks the start of the New Moon’s 28-day cycle. No matter what spiritual background you come from, participating in this monthly exercise can help you connect to your soul’s purpose and plan steps to get closer to it. Give yourself permission to connect authentically with yourself this month. Since we live in a Universe that is constantly moving, each month the New Moon is at a different place in our Cosmos allowing us a chance to plant different intentions throughout the year. A new cycle begins this time in Capricorn which is about anchoring within instead of being chained to what’s going on outside.

Be part of a collective event done by people all over the world! Write your list after 12:02 am EST on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021.




Work, career, wisdom, responsibility, truth, self-awareness, transformation, growth, trust, and self-esteem.


Happy New Moon in Capricorn! As the first New Moon of 2021, it is an amazing time to set intentions for the year ahead. Capricorn is a practical sign, helping us approach our goals and dreams for 2021 in a logical, rational way. The year 2020 was certainly filled with lessons, and in 2021 we are tasked to take what we’ve learned and channel it into constructive action from a place of knowing. Honor how much you have grown over the year and take notice how your priorities and perspectives have shifted.

This New Moon aligns with the planet Pluto, archetypically known for its powerful and transformative energy. Its influence can help us transform an area of our lives that is due for a renewal. Transformation is a prerequisite for growth. Remember that according to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can’t be created nor destroyed; only transformed. What doesn’t feel right? You will get messages from your intuition this lunar cycle if you listen. You can get insights into destructive behaviors and gain clarity on complex relationship dynamics.

In regards to society and community, if we continue to expect support from old structures, we may be disappointed. Everything is changing all around us. A new age is upon us with global paradigm shifts. But change usually doesn’t come softly, but instead with chaos. A toxic patriarchal paradigm is on its last breath, but not going out without a fight. When external disorder is happening, we are to shift our focus to our inner divinity and intuition for new ideas, motivation, and inspiration. This New Moon we are being called to trust our inner sanctum for guidance as our external world has its planetary shift. This will give us confidence and clarity to make difficult decisions and address stressful situations. This Capricorn New Moon energy is supporting us here.

Gill Tarot — Moon Card

We are heading into an unknown future with magnification of what is in the shadow. We have limited sight into the darkness ahead. Instead of letting fear rule us during uncertainty and confusion, we are being called to face ours and society’s darkness, with Capricornian reason. The meaning of the word apocalypse means revelation: seeing something which has been hidden. It comes from the Greek word, Apokálypsis, which means “lifting of the veil”. This New Moon we are being called to not easily be deceived by illusions and deceptions that are everywhere leading us to be eaten by the predatory wolves on the side waiting for it to happen. The sword of Truth will lift the veil and reveal to us what is real and what is not. Become your own authority on the truth.

When planting seeds for your own intentions, be sure to plant some for our planet as well.



Gather paper and a pen, pencil, marker or other type of writing utensil.

Review the focus areas for this month and begin to think about how they apply to your personal and professional life.

Write a list of what your hopes, dreams, goals, priorities, wishes, and prayers are for that moment. Typically no more than 10 is recommended. Be very specific, or extremely vague.

Review last month’s list and revise them on this month’s list, if necessary.

Place your notes somewhere safe and special to you. Some tape them to a window, under a lit candle, or leave them in their notebooks on their desks. Create the space that works for you. Leave it there all month until the next New Moon.

Allow and have faith in the power of inter-connectedness in our universe to manifest your list.

~ Know Who You Are & What You Want ~

Originally published at



Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy

Writer, Educator, Health Advocate, Spiritual Scientist & Avid Thinker About Life