New Moon In Libra — 10/6/21

Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy
Published in
5 min readOct 5, 2021

Every month’s New Moon is a chance to search for inventive ways to make progress as the energy of the Universe opens up to receive new seeds to grow. Fresh starts are always highlighted and allow us to look at life with a new perspective. New Moons are full of opportunities for those who take advantage of personal reflection. Give yourself permission to connect authentically with yourself this month. A new cycle begins in Libra which is about the responsibility of reform and change.

Be part of a collective event done by people all over the world! Write your list after 7:05 am EST on Wednesday, October 6th, 2021.




Passion, initiative, courage, restlessness, fairness, inclusivity, order, and ingenuity.


Happy New Moon in Libra! This cycle has a strong tendency for some intense energy, so get ready for a ride! This air sign is the moral force in judicial systems, representing divine order and law. A set of scales helps to weigh the evidence, find balance, and seek the middle ground. Libra energy is about collaboration and seeing things from both sides. This is not about losing sight of our sense of self and compromising too much for the sake of others. If this people-pleasing attribute is true for you, emotions will get triggered during this moon cycle. Where have you been giving or receiving too much?

This can be a tense New Moon because there are four planets having their cosmic dance in Libra, bringing its element of air strongly into our awareness. This air element rules over our thoughts which can be fuel for inspiring ideas and new ways of thinking about things, or obsessive, uncontrolled thoughts. Regardless where we individually fall, the winds of change are upon us, guiding us to open our minds to NEW possibilities and opportunities. We all know that life will never be the same because of the pandemic, but this also means we have an open canvas on how we can move forward. What will that be for you?

This New Moon aligns with Mars creating abundant energy, initiative, and confidence to go after what we desire. A great time to move forward with our NEW ideas, but this energy must be used constructively, otherwise, there can be damaging consequences. A teacher of mine once said that we are all Suns; we can use our power and heat to scorch and burn, or to ignite other’s light. We can either light each other’s flames or burn the world. This is our choice. So consider if your light illuminates or burns? With Mars aligning with this Libra New Moon we are called to respect the strength and potency our inner fire emanates. This is our responsibility as mutual citizens on this planet. So the best option with this dynamic energy is to consciously apply ourselves to some form of positive activity. You have the potential to transform this highly charged energy into something constructive, productive, and full of passion. What is that for you? Steer clear of charged negativity which can burn down families, relationships, and communities.

This New Moon makes a difficult aspect to Uranus and can make us a bit tense and anxious because adjustments need to be made in our lives and in society, yet many want to stay comfortable in the status quo. Of course plunging into the unknown future is terrifying, but it’s what humanity is being asked to do right now, and we are collectively doing this together. We must cater to flexibility as a result and learn how to ride the waves of life instead of drowning in its strength. We are in the Age of Aquarius and the way society is set up currently is not going to work with our future-the present societal division indicates this. These transitions can be tough-even if it’s good medicine for us.

As a result, now is a good time to get rid of anything that knocks our scales out of balance. Explore habits, beliefs, or attitudes collected from childhood, and after, that no longer serve us and are weighing heavy evidence against balance in your life. Uranus has been asking us to break generational cycles of conditioning and we will continue to do this over the next several years. In this New Moon we are being led to look at wounds from our childhood and become aware of how they are manifesting in our current reality. This is tough to do, but the energy of this Libran cycle is here to assist us with the help of Uranus in retrograde. The rebalancing of our scales is in process.

Mercury is also retrograde in Libra, continuing the theme of reflection and pondering old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as we search for new ways to make progress in our lives and society. Rethink, release, reorganize, redo are all themes with Mercury retrograde this New Moon, forcing us to slow down so we can integrate the many lessons at play. Mercury in Libra is asking us to incorporate NEW ideas about justice, balance, and fairness between people and in society.

With love and illumination,

Kat Lahr



Gather paper and a pen, pencil, marker or other type of writing tool.

Review the focus areas for this month and begin to think about how they apply to your personal and professional life.

Write a list of what your hopes, dreams, goals, priorities, wishes, and prayers are for that moment. Typically no more than 10 is recommended. Be very specific, or extremely vague.

Review last month’s list and revise them on this month’s list, if necessary.

Place your notes somewhere safe and special to you. Some tape them to a window, under a lit candle, or leave them in their notebooks on their desks. Create the space that works for you. Leave it there all month until the next New Moon.

Allow and have faith in the power of inter-connectedness in our universe to manifest your list.

~ Know Who You Are & What You Want ~

Originally published at



Kat Lahr
New Moon Synergy

Writer, Educator, Health Advocate, Spiritual Scientist & Avid Thinker About Life