Boy it’s been a while!

Paul K Saunders
New Music Lives
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2018

First the breaking news, I am now the manager a band, Diamonds & Whiskey a country rock band from Charlotte, NC. They’re first single release Hands Down is out on Spotify on Nov 23rd. Their first album Dark Country Voodoo will be released in early January 2019.

Diamonds & Whiskey

Ok I know, I haven’t posted in way over a year maybe two actually, well there are no excuses its been as John Lennon put it “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans!”

So lets catch you up with the gap — I have been working with several projects and remodeling others and now New Music Lives, my company is becoming an artist management company and a true alternative to the traditional record label, but one where the artists and bands remain in complete control of their own career, yes shocking I know!

I know it can be done if you focus on what truly matters and that is enabling the artists and bands to make the music they want to make and getting that music gets to the people that matter most their fans.

See what happened there we don’t mention that the record company has to benefit, or make a ton of money, in fact have any say in the process at all, they should be a facilitator of the wishes of the artists and bands and their fans.

So I hear you ask what does this look like exactly, well that is still coming together and if you want to join the process connect with me and lets have a conversation on the phone, by skype, on Messenger or even lets meet up sometime.

The key is to become part of the process as together we can shape a music business that works for artists and bands and their fans.

Until we talk again… and you this will be a daily post from here on out…



Paul K Saunders
New Music Lives

I like to work with truly creative artists. I believes all artists should remain in total control of their own music career and I seek to help make this happen.