I Read The New Today Oh Boy!

Paul K Saunders
New Music Lives
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2016

So I woke up today and read a story that got my attention. The story from one of the radio trade paper said that Local Advertisers were buying less spots on local radio stations and in some cases not buying radio at all.

Why is this happening well put simply Hello the audience is leaving or has left they are moving to digital so if you want to be in front of local customers you need to have a digital marketing strategy.

Ok I hear you say why does this matter to me as indie music artist well your a small business right so you need to be thinking about your digital marketing strategy — do you have a Facebook page, do you have a Twitter account if not why not its where the audience, i.e. your fans have already gone you need to be there too.

But this story did more than make me think it — I saw an opportunity that indie artists can take advantage of whenever you play a show, you know that time you in front of an audience, just kidding I know you knew that, but its time to look at how to maximize this opportunity.

Let me explain what happens at almost every show, the audience arrives, the artists plays their set, at the end of the set the artist heads to the merch table and sells a few CD’s and spends a little time chatting to the fans.

What is wrong with this picture!!! so many things let me point them out.

The audience arrives as they do the artist should have someone welcoming everyone to the show and handing out download cards (offering a free track or tracks via your website, if you don’t know how to do this get in touch with me). The artists plays their set and during the set you remember to promote the download card and tell those that sign up for the free track they will be able to win a special prize if their share the link that will receive with their friends and via social media. Then at the end of the show while you at the merch table doing what you do selling CD’s and t-shirts make sure everyone has a download card that way you will grow your fan base at every show.

So for the indie artist the opportunity is huge to reach out in the offline world to create a larger digital fan base after all as they say he/she with the biggest list wins its time to take action.

For more creative ways to grow your fans and develop new fan base reach out to me at PaulKSaunders.com http://www.paulksaunders.com and lets connect and see if I can help you grow your fanbase.

Time to take action is now — Lets see you take action…



Paul K Saunders
New Music Lives

I like to work with truly creative artists. I believes all artists should remain in total control of their own music career and I seek to help make this happen.