So What Has Radio Become!

Paul K Saunders
New Music Lives
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018

I was talking to several friends this week and asked them if they listened to the radio. The most common response to my question was No!, closely followed by What For!

So this set me thinking as to what has radio become — and I have to say, that in the past radio, was the always the tastemaker and the reason I discovered all kinds of new music — but now it’s turned in something similar to reheated leftovers after a great dinner.

Meaning it offers nothing original and seeks to follow the trending and not define the trends anymore. So my question is what is still for?

I think that radio lost its way when the stations tried to become bigger than the DJ’s after I grew up listening to the top DJs of the day and not the specific station it was the person I turned on to hear.

For me in the UK growing up in London it was Roger Scott, Mike Allen on Capital Radio and on the BBC Alan Freeman and John Peel. They had style and swagger and something real to say and they were not afraid to tell you when they truly didn’t like a song or band.

I think that with all the moves in podcasts, streaming channels and more there has to be a new way to do radio or we will lose it altogether. Royalties and copyrights will still be an issue but there has to be a way to do music radio.

After all the legendary DJ Jim Ladd is on Sirus/XM broadcasting from his home in the Hills. Lets find other great DJs and get them back on the air and do it in a new way and build them a new audience.

The Denver legend, Pete MacKay is considering doing just that getting back on the air but doing it his way, playing what he wants to play and finding his own audience after all people in Denver didn’t stay with the specific station, they went where Pete went and they followed him all the way to his last on-air gig at KQMT 99.5 The Mountain. It’s time Pete was back on the air, Denver what do you say! As an update check out Radio Evergreen yes its true Pete is back on the air this time with his own station — playing what he wants to play!

Until we talk again…



Paul K Saunders
New Music Lives

I like to work with truly creative artists. I believes all artists should remain in total control of their own music career and I seek to help make this happen.