Myanmar’s Thein Sein Government Must Stop Using Force to Peaceful Protesters

Thuggish men used by police force brutally acting on peaceful student protesters. (Photo: Pyithu Khit/ La Min Tun)

Hundreds of Myanmar police force and the thuggish men who wore red armband that read ‘Duty’ have beaten up and crackdown the peaceful student protesters in front of Yangon’s City Hall on Thursday evening. The ugly incident happened on 5 March 2015 and it took the Burmese people off-guarded. Millions of Burmese who immensely use social media, like Facebook, immediately took online and denounced their anger over the commotion and use of force on peaceful protesters.

Myanmar had indeed multiple bitter experiences with brutal use of force by the socialist and military government in the many decades of undemocratic rule. People are very much hated to see this happening again, especially, under the current democratic government run by Thein Sein — a former military general.

The lame duck president and his dysfunctional government are failing to prevent the use of force and eventually follow the route of same old routine — it became dejavu. The Myanmar government is dysfunctional because it doesn’t have authority to determine the fate of Ministry of Interior that controls the police force and Ministry of Defense that controls the army. It can’t also decide who should be the commander-in-chief and have no (concrete) leverage over them at all. All these things were effectively written in the existing flawed constitution that 5 million sign-submitted Burmese and Aung San Suu Kyi wanted to amend desperately.

Now people wanted to know who is responsible for this ugly crackdown and who made the (fucking) order. This is unacceptable for the people of Burmese who have the rights to express their own opinions without fearing any consequences. Independent Myanmar was founded on the principle of equality, freedom and liberty, and our independent founding fathers declared the sovereign country (Burma) was not made for certain group or single man. The government was just created to guard those principles and to protect the people of this wonderful nation.

Declaration of Independence of Burma on Jan 04, 1948.

We (Burmese people) will not tolerate and engage another authoritarian or dictatorship government in our country that have been waiting for decades to progress into the future.

We (Burmese people) want the current Myanmar government fully respect to all of our fundamental civil rights.

We (Burmese people) reject the (any) use of force by the government to its own citizens for just expressing their free will, their opinions and their own interests in the future of this beautiful country.


