How does Picter handle security?

New Perspectives
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2018

Picter connects photographers and people who work with images in one beautiful and secure space that is specifically designed to work with photography. But you may be asking, how secure are the images, files and user data once they are shared with Picter? This blog post intends to answer this question.

At Picter, we know security is important for you. So we take it very seriously and treat the security of your data in the highest priority. Compliance with data privacy, guarantee of highest security standards and transparency of data processing are therefore essential to our service. When talking about security, it’s best if we start off with explaining how Picter has complied with GDPR.

What does GDPR have to do with Picter?

As you may have heard, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new European privacy law that went into effect May 25, 2018. The GDPR regulates the processing by an individual, a company or an organization of the personal data relating to individuals in the EU. To explain in simple terms: it’s about how your data is processed and used by companies.

Since Picter is a European company and its main office is in Germany, the GDPR fully applies to our company. Under GDPR, Picter operates as a ‘data controller’, which means Picter is responsible to protect the data users share with us, no matter if they reside in the EU or not.

What measures has the Picter team taken to ensure protection of customer data?

When it comes to enhancing data security within Picter, we’ve taken further measures to limit the data access. We’ve determined what each employee at Picter really needs access to and ensure that they have access to only what they need. Nothing else. These limitations help Picter manage data more efficiently and ensure that it is being safeguarded from theft or loss.

Another way we make sure your personal data is safe is by making sure all user data is transported securely. We do so by ensuring all traffic is encrypted in transit via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

How safe should photographers feel when uploading images on Picter?

In short: Very safe. From the very beginning, Picter has always valued the trust we get from many amazing photography talents and organizations. So, we know how important the safety of uploading images and files can be for them.

Once images are uploaded onto Picter, files are stored securely in the cloud and we have absolutely nothing to do with the images. That means no one from the company sees the images that are uploaded to the platform and photographers have full control of their images. Making sure that a photographer has full creative control of their files is something Picter prioritises.

Another important note to mention is that the photographer retains ownership of content unless they give express, written consent to an organization to use any of their content in any form. Nonetheless, photographers should always read the organization’s terms and conditions they submitted to, to make sure they know exactly what will be done with their images.

For detailed information on how Picter handles security and more information on what Picter has done to comply with the GDPR, read and review Picter’s full list of terms and policies.

Get a new perspective on how you work with photography. Sign up with Picter today.

