New features for photographers are here!

Richard Stromer
New Perspectives
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2018


Over the past few months we’ve worked hard on some major updates to Picter. This week we were very excited to announce a completely reworked Picter experience.

Picter started out by streamlining the submission process for photo contests. Since our start we have had the privilege of hosting many competitions — some of them world renown.

Now we took a step further. Picter will give you a new perspective on how you work with photography. It all starts with sharing.

Questions that needed real answers

We asked ourselves what Picter could become beyond a platform for submissions management. As we extended Picter’s contest hosting capabilities we considered various paths forward. We found a clear focus in the ambition to deliver more value to photographers.

We started our research by asking more questions. What does the everyday working process for photographers look like? How can we make it easier? What features are missing from the existing platforms designed for photographers?

We conducted our own qualitative research to investigate these and other questions. We surveyed and interviewed our users. Our research gave us insights into the needs of real photographers and artists. It also gave us a sense of what a typical working day in the life of a professional photographer looks like.

Picter’s new file sharing for photography

Our research pointed us in a clear direction towards photo sharing. It’s the single most important piece of your workflow, and so it’s the core feature of the new Picter.

Now you can easily share your work with clients, co-workers or colleagues. Simply copy/paste a Picter sharing link into whatever medium you prefer. It’s easy to integrate Picter into your workflow. Paste a sharing link into the company Slack channel, a text message, or an email — it’s up to you.

We designed Picter with photography in mind. No other sharing experience is as beautiful, as clutter-free. Picter’s interface respects and values the space that photography needs.

Optimized portfolio for photos and photo projects

Your portfolio is the place to organize your photos and photo projects.

Download permissions

Set permissions to define who can download your images and in what resolution (low/high). It’s also possible to share an image for downloading in a range of sizes.

Learn more about the core concept behind Picter here.

Client review

Your client or co-worker can select which images he or she likes. You get your collaborator’s input without a lot of unnecessary back and forth.

We didn’t just want to build features that are useful. We wanted to make uploading photos as enjoyable as taking photos. We wanted to give you creative control from upload to final selection. To keep the process of selection an aesthetic experience. And most importantly, to have all these essential features available in one place.

Work in progress

We’re very happy with how far we’ve come. But there is always room for improvement. Tell us what you think about the new Picter. What did you like? Did anything confuse you? Are there other features you’d love to see in the future?

Reply to this blogpost or share your feedback on our new product feedback board. We can’t wait to hear what you think! Didn’t try the new sharing feature yet? Sign up for free with Picter and check it out!

Thank you for being a part of what makes Picter great. We do this work to serve you!

Richard Stromer,

Chief Product Officer at Picter

