Picter Contest Management Update

New Perspectives
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018

Evaluation on single images, bulk download, statistics and lots of other good stuff!

We recently released a new version of our photo contest management with loads of new features and improvements for managers of photo contests, jurors and viewers.

Evaluate entire submissions, individual projects and single images

The possibility to evaluate not only entire submissions (including profile, projects and images), but to also rate single images and individual projects, has been one of the biggest requests we received from organizations. Now you can simply choose for yourself which type of content you want to evaluate!

Read more about evaluation modes in our help center

Bulk actions to download images and export information into spreadsheets

Various bulk actions now help to improve your workflow. Download selected images, projects or authors in a well-organized .zip file straight to your computer. Or export your submission data to receive a spreadsheet optimized for Microsoft Excel.

Read more about bulk actions and how to export submission data from Picter

Picter MailChimp integration

Great news for anyone who uses MailChimp to communicate with their entrants! Our integration allows for an easy way to reach out and contact all your entrants, winners or shortlisted artists. Create a new mailing list and segments right within Picter. No need for copying and pasting large lists of email addresses.

Read more about MailChimp integration in our help center


Statistics offer insights on your entrants and on your submissions. Learn which countries you receive the most submissions from, or find out the average age of of your entrants. New statistics will be regularly added to this board. Let us know if you’re looking for a specific statistic or insight!

Read more about statistics in our help center

Printable submission summary

We’ve received many requests to be able to print out a submission summary and bring the evaluation process into the real world. We’ve listened — and it’s now possible in a few clicks.

Search by author or email

Looking for someone in particular? Just type their name into the search field (see top bar of the menu) and find who you’re looking for within seconds.

Invite entrants after deadline or run a private call for entries

Now you can invite people again who missed the deadline for your open call for entries, in just two clicks. This step will allow you to extend a deadline if needed.

This feature also allows you to host a private photo contest with Picter. Simply click to invite chosen photographers to enter your private competition.

Last but not least, this major update of contest management also comes with improved interfaces and several bug fixes.

We hope you enjoy this release as much as we do. We’re curious to hear your feedback! Hit the comment button or contact us directly via hello@picter.com.

Looking forward to hear from you!

Anita Schuffert, Richard Stromer, Sebastian Knittel

Team Picter

