The best tool for your best work

Our vision for Picter

New Perspectives
3 min readSep 6, 2018


Hello there!

As I’m usually not much of a writer, this is a pretty exciting moment for me. We’re about to take a huge step forward with Picter and this felt like the right time to start writing about our ideas and vision for Picter.

This is me (Simon Karlstetter, on the right) with Picter co-founder Claudio Ricci.

Photography has always been at the forefront of innovation and new technology. In 2017 alone, people shared more than 1.2 trillion images online. We are part of an industry that is changing every day. Thanks to apps like Instagram, anybody can reach a massive audience with their photos. What is rarer these days is making the right selection.

Working with images is all about visual context.

Thousands of photos pass before our eyes every day. This overloads our visual perception. Working with images is all about visual context. You don’t just want to select images; you want to select your very best. A clutter-free space is necessary for mental concentration. A workspace that respects the photographic image with a simple, clean interface. A workspace that gives you the tools to work with photography on a professional level.

Picter co-founder Leon Kirchlechner (on the right) with Sebastian Knittel (support).

There is one simple principle behind the tools we deliver: access to source files. It began with streamlining the submission process for open calls and contests. Photographers submitting with Picter spend less time resizing images and sending needless copies. They upload their photo project once to Picter and from here they can submit it to various calls for entries from leading photography organizations.

Your photos have a life beyond contests.

Starting on Sep 18, 2018 we will introduce Pricing Plans. Picter’s services will remain free if you upload less than 5 GB. For those of you who need a bit more storage, the Professional plan of 10€/month will cover you up to 100 GB. Read more about the Picter Pricing Plans.

Together with our paid plans we are releasing new features for sharing your photo projects. Other exciting new features are in development too:

- file sharing permissions
- automated resizing
- version control
- authorship tools.

Get a new perspective on how you work with photography.

Our professional photography needs have shaped our vision for Picter from day one. A tool that addressed the specific needs of photographic data was missing, so we built it. We needed a tool for collaboration on photo edits, sequencing, curation and selection. We needed a controlled, streamlined, and creation-based environment. We needed to reduce needless tasks and focus on creative workflow. Picter is this tool and a whole lot more. It will give you a new perspective on how you work with photography.

We live in very exciting times for photography. Technology changes photography and in turn photography changes how we see the world. We are building tools that contribute to this evolution in how we work with photography.

Meeting of several Picter team members in our office in Augsburg, Germany.

Thank you for being part of our journey so far. Your trust, enthusiasm, and feedback makes our work possible.

Lastly, if you are curious about our new features, please feel free to request an invite to our new private beta.

Simon Karlstetter,

Chief Strategy Officer at Picter

