New Platonic Dialogues

On Materialism — Part 1

Wolfe Kamome
New Platonic Dialogues


Twilight with the sun reflected in the sea.
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Though based on real events, Plato’s dialogues are mostly fiction. But like any good novel, despite invented plots and characters, the story’s essence is no less true; and may even be ‘truer’ than life.

And who’s to tell the difference anyway?

‘Socrates’ here is not a name but a synonym for critical thinking.

PHOEBE Thinking about the future, I feel scared.

SOCRATES Fear of the unknown gnaws at our souls. We must however await the coming hour with complete inner calm, no matter what it may bring. Trust in the spirit gives us the certainty that what is to come must be, and will definitely have its good effects too.

PHOEBE But there are plenty of religious or even spiritual folks who are afraid, even of death.

SOCRATES This just goes to show how deeply materialism has infected us. If you go outside in the rain, you’ll get wet, unless you protect yourself.

PHOEBE You believe in… God?



SOCRATES You might as well ask if we — you and I — really exist. Or do you believe that I have parents?

PHOEBE What? What are you…? Of course you have parents. Naturally.



Wolfe Kamome
New Platonic Dialogues

Think for yourself and question everything. Main focus on philosophy, literature, science & spirituality