America, Forget Donald J. Trump

Arturo Dominguez
New Politics Nation
8 min readFeb 1, 2020


He’s a dud.

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

As a kid, I loved fireworks. New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July, didn’t matter. Blowing stuff up in bright colorful whistles, bangs, and booms was a thrill. Occasionally, there are some duds. None worse than the big firework you saved for last. As the anticipation builds, you light the fuse awaiting the big flash lighting up the night sky, looking up you wait, and wait … nothing.

I imagine this is how many Trump voters feel now after casting their ballots for him in 2016. I’m not talking about the “Trump can do no wrong” voters, I’m talking about all the people he made so many promises to. Manufacturing workers, farmers, the poor, the middle-class, people dying from a lack of healthcare, and seniors to name a few. He’s failed to deliver for any of them.

Just like that firework we saved for last that never went off; a dud.

America, it’s time to move on. If you’re still considering supporting Trump this year, it’s time you look yourselves in the mirror and admit his administration was built on false promises. Or, you can hear me out and let me plead my case about Trump not doing anything for the benefit of the nation — as my moderate Republican friends who voted for Trump are beginning to see it.



Arturo Dominguez
New Politics Nation

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |