In Response to Congressman Mike Honda’s Statement Regarding Planned Parenthood Grand-Jury Indictments in Texas

Arturo Dominguez
New Politics Nation
3 min readJan 27, 2016


Photo: Kin Man Hui, Staff / San Antonio Express-News

Will there be accountability and justice served on Governor Greg Abbott and his corrupt cabinet for the actions taken by his office based on falsified videos?

While I applaud these indictments, just as any reasonable person does. What is to come of the raids on the offices of Planned Parenthood in Texas? Governor Greg Abbott, and his corrupt cronies have confiscated tons of files. Some of it undoubtedly private patient information. In the eyes of many, these raids not only violated many privacy laws. But the leadership in Texas now has personal information on individuals, that can be use against Planned Parenthood’s patients and staff in many ways.

Should Greg Abbott not be held accountable for these raids? To include prosecution as so many people feel is necessary? What will come of all the actions taken based on these falsified videos? Or should we expect more of the same? Where elected officials commit heinous egregious violations of their oath of office and the law, yet there are no repercussions. No justice…

The state of Texas has some of the most corrupt people running the state. From the Attorney General to the Governor along with many other state officials. They commit these acts out in the open without a care in the world. Yet somehow they still wield the power to run the state and influence policy across America. These guys are criminals by definition, yet they suffer no consequence.

Is this what we want for America? As a congressman are you, your fellow congressman, and senators just going to let this go by the way side? Like many Americans, I would hope not. These abuses of power have become more of a National Security threat than any terrorist organization could ever be. It is equal to the infiltration of our police departments by white supremacists as reported by the FBI 10 years ago. We need more accountability, transparency, and justice to the fullest extent of the law.

The people can not sustain the constant oppression by regimes such as this. Committing such acts that violate the very core of our constitutional rights. Are we expected to just turn back the clock 50, 60, 100 years or more, and just accept it? Surely not.

I implore you Congressman Mike Honda, and every other elected official holding office to ensure the protection of the people under the rights afforded to us by the Constitution of these United States.

You can lead the charge, or you can sit back and watch the people do it. You are witnessing the beginning of a new age in politics. A political revolution is underway. It will only continue so long as the people feel they must take action, because their representatives will not. The New Politics Nation Initiative represents this very movement. Everyday our voices grow stronger and louder, and our voices are being heard more than ever before.

From Flint, Michigan to the State of Texas, this is a National problem. The corruption must end now. So I ask you, on behalf of the vast majority of Americans, where will you stand Congressman? Will you stand on the on the side of injustice, or will you stand with the people and ensure justice is served?

Thank you for your post, and I applaud your bravery in posting your views on the matter. We stand with you in solidarity on this issue. Will you stand with us in ensuring justice is served?



Arturo Dominguez
New Politics Nation

Journalist covering Congress, Racial Justice, Human Rights, Cuba, Texas | Editor: The Antagonist Magazine |