My Writing for the Week (Monday May 5th, — Sunday May 12th, 2024)

Read and ye shall be blessed

Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome


Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

I wrote these number of stories for the week. They were actually six (6) stories in all, probably a slight reduction in the regular quantity that I have often written.

DISCLAIMER: The mentioned persons here are editors of the respective Medium Publications. There is no intention of any spam-associated activity whatsoever. Whoever is not comfortable with the mention, however, should please indicate for immediate removal of the name and discontinuation of the apparently harmless act.🙏


“What a Horrific Week of Writing on Medium”

This was published in New Pub Welcome edited by generous Bin Jiang.



It was a brief report of the previous week’s writings done by this writer. They were of course published in different publications by different editors.

Unbelievably, the said story gave me the highest stats for the week courtesy of the Medium Weekly Report. One would wonderfully say: “Wonders never end.”🤔


“I Have Had Special Emotional ‘Attachments’ to These”

The story was published in Spot On edited by lovely Frankie Pendles.



In the story, this author nostalgically recalled some sensationally classic gospel songs which had some invaluable emotional, psychological and spiritual uplifting effects on him several years ago.


“I am Sorry”

It was published in Wake. Write. Win. edited by amiable Janis Gross.



The story proffered some piece of advice on how to deal with certain delicate situations — especially such in which the good intentions of someone are helplessly misconstrued or misunderstood by some persons.


“The Best Way to Revenge is Forgiveness”

The story was published in Word Garden edited by prolific Carl Jeffers.



In the story, in a world filled with offences: misdeeds, mistakes or even blunders; forgiveness becomes a sine qua non or what one cannot do without. As a matter of fact, the victim needs to forgive in order to maintain/preserve his (her) mental-cum-general health.


‘“The Rock’ in a Commendable Generosity to a UFC Fighter: Themba Gorimbo”

The story was published in the Spot On Publication.

The story narrates how the erstwhile WWE Champion, Dewayne Douglas Johnson had gifted a Zimbabwe-born UFC star, Themba Gorimbo an apartment in Miami.

Link: https://medium.com/spot-on/the-rock-in-a-commendable-generosity-to-a-ufc-fighter-themba-gorimbo-83e2e84b70e1


“True Success is Making Others Happy”

The story was published in Express Impact edited by friendly Sompa Mensah.

In the last, but not the least, story for the week under review: the paradox of success and happiness was explored. Accordingly, one may not be truly successful if one has not made someone else happy in life.



I wish to hereby express my deep appreciation to all the mentioned Publications and their diligent Editors for a work well done. Without you, the work is all but practically partially done.

Thanks for reading.

If you are a Pub Creator-cum-Editor on Medium, you can write for us.




Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."