My Writing for the Weeks (Monday May 13th, to Sunday May 26th, 2024)

There was a marked reduction in the quantity of my writing but an increase in symbolic significance

Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome


Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Definitely, the “cares and anxiety” of this world had its inevitable toll on my writing output. The result was an upward movement in quality but a downward shift in quantity in terms of the scribbling activism.

Notably, the disappearance of writers and their publications since March, 2024 did not come without certain results that are hard to vanish totally. It became virtually unexpected to see stories published by some publications to suddenly become stories published without any pubs attached to them at all.

Honestly, I have a number of stories in that category.

Hence kudos to Publications such as Wake. Write. Win. created by Janis @ Wake. Write. Win. for standing in the gap. Since some of these stories have existed months before the sadly unexpected events, they would appear naked to be left publicationless.

Thus, my first ever story on Medium was republished retrospectively by the Wake. Write. Win. team. The story is symbolically entitled: The Unrivalled Power of Grace.

Permit me to state herein: all that I have done on this platform since December, 2023 boils down to the Power that is both Graceful and Unrivalled.

See and read the story via the link:⬇️


This writer’s first story on Medium was a short, straightforward non-fictional piece with all the characteristics of a fictional prose. That makes it significantly, unbelievably unique.

That was closely followed by another by the same mentioned publication. It was entitled: What is Life Without Laughter? For similar reasons as stated above, the story was published afresh on the 25th of May, 2024 by the ‘W.W.W’.

To read the interestingly funny stuff, kindly click here.


It was an unusual admixture of fun, humour and titbits of both in a rather ‘relaxable’ manner.

My Writing for the Week (Monday, May 5th — Sunday, May 12th, 2024) was published by Bin Jiang and the New Pub Welcome team.

Click to read here.⬇️


It was the list and analyses of all my writings in the preceding week.

Significantly, most — if not all — of the stories were published in the same publication. Having said that, the stories were as follows.

The first in the same-publication series was Watermelon: The Wonder of God’s Creation which was published in the Write A Catalyst Pub by the indefatigable team of Bin Jiang.

Click to read below.⬇️


Next was this story entitled: When a Writer with 163k Followers Clapped My Story …

Click here to read the amazingly symbolic stuff.⬇️


Unarguably, it is not everyday that a writer of such magnitude recognizes the response of one writer who had less than one thousand followers accordingly.

Interestingly, the next was about how Extremely Successful People Can Be Naughty, of course, with all the justifiable reasons.

Click here to read.⬇️


Then the next set of stories bothered on Medium and her recent developments. First, Seven Hundred Followers: Perfect Greetings … was gracefully and graciously published.

Click to read below.⬇️


Second, My Unprecedented Response to a Recent Medium Editor Newsletter came screaming delightfully. Kindly click to read.⬇️


Again, there was the Median interest: If the Recent Response I Got From Medium is Anything to Go By.

Click here to read.⬇️


On a fast lane, Of A Truth: Notifications are not Working on Medium for Sometime Now came knocking.

Click to read below.⬇️


Similarly, the last story for the period under review was born. Entitled, The Medium Notifications are Back, it symbolically reported the restoration of story-cum-development notifications on the noble platform.

Click here to read.⬇️


For the records, the foregoing stories were published in the Write A Catalyst Publication with the invaluable assistance of editors such as: Ann-Pendo Maina, Stanley Chibuike, et al.

On that positive note, this author’s writings on Medium were successfully concluded. From personal to general Medium stories, one thing was certain. The journey continues. The struggle is on, like the Latinos would say: Aluta continua … Victoria ascertia

Thanks to all the Medium Publications and Editors (too numerous to mention) who made the publications possible. As the French would say, Merci beaucoup. (Thank you very much.)

Thanks for reading.

Write for the publication.




Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."